most of the exhibitions postponed for the COVID-2019

 2020-04-21 |View:

As a professional manufacturer of industry laser equipment such as laser marking machine, laser cutting machine, laser welding machine, every year, we took many international machin

ery exhibition, but in this year, infulenced by the COVID 19 virus, most of the exhibition postponed.
FEIMEC as an example, which is one of the biggest exhibition of machinery in South American. We just got the notice from them, as follows:
ABIMAQ (Brazilian Association of the Machinery and Equipment Industry, managing body, Informa Markets, organizer of FEIMEC (International Machine and Equipment Fair), taking into account and following all the determinations of the health authorities of the Ministry of Health, Government of the State of Sao Paulo and Municipality of Sao Paulo Paul, who decrees the temporary suspension of events in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), decided to postpone FEIMEC 2020, which would take place from 05 to 09 in May in Sao Paulo.            

We deeply regret the postponement of the event, but in this current scenario it is of paramount importance that we adhere to all the guidelines of the competent bodies to prevent and contain possible exponential growth of the disease, protecting the health and well-being of all those directly and indirectly involved with the event, such as the exhibitors, sponsors, visitors and suppliers.            

We inform you that the new date will be released to everyone as soon as we have it.            We already count on everyone's collaboration and understanding.           
FEIMEC Team 2020        

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